Farzan Yazdanjou

Hello there! 👋🏼

I'm Farzan Yazdanjou, a Computer Science student at McMaster University.

I'm currently fascinated by Web Development 🥥🌴

I'm a fifth year student at McMaster University studying Computer Science. As a full-stack programmer, I am passionate about web-app development! For more information about my academic career, please visit my LinkedIn profile!

I have 3000 hours on CSGO, which basically makes me a professional gamer. I love biking through trails and the city and photographing the scenary. I've watched the Iron Man trilogy countless times. I'm always listening to music - my favorite song is Mutual Butterflies by Ryan Trey. I've lost my fair share of money gambling on Cryptocurrency. As one does, I of course also love memes.

Latest Blog Post

May 20th 2023 · OpenAI · 8 min read

The Fascinating Journey of AI: From Turing to ChatGPT

Our journey begins in 1950 when the brilliant mathematician and computer scientist, Alan Turing, proposed a thought experiment that would lay the foundation for the field of artificial intelligence.

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Let's talk tech, development, career, or just like each other's Instagram posts like semi-strangers.